Represent Your Country!
Dear international students,
We're so glad you're on our campus this fall! I'd like to make you aware of a great opportunity to take part in two special Andrews traditions—the Alumni Homecoming Parade and International Flag Raising Ceremony, which take place every year during Alumni Homecoming Weekend.
You are invited to participate in both of these meaningful events on Friday, Sept. 24. You're welcome and encouraged to bring your friends and family to participate.
1) Carry your flag in the Alumni Homecoming Parade, which will organize at 4:15 p.m. in the Andrews Academy parking lot. The parade starts moving promptly at 4:50 p.m.
2) Lineup for the flag raising ceremony begins immediately following the parade and is organized on the International Flag Mall between the library and PMC. Those who carried their flag in the parade are encouraged to also raise their flag on the campus mall. If you are only participating in the flag raising ceremony, please come pick up your flag at the base of the main steps of the library at 6 p.m. The ceremony starts at 6:30 p.m.
Flag-bearers do not need to be natives of the specific country. Also, if you have international dress, you are invited to wear it for both occasions.
There will be 66 flag poles on the mall and we want to make sure they are all filled. Please sign up now at this link.
Christian Stuart
Executive Director, PDSO, RO
Center for On-Campus International Student Services
Christian Stuart